Language Struggles and Triumphs

The language barrier was probably the most daunting part of my life on my journey to college as a young Latino student. The taunts from peers and lectures from my teachers made it clear that strong communication was the key to unlocking opportunities despite my weak English abilities. Simple activities like completing homework assignments and preparing essays were overwhelming. My inadequacy left me feeling lonely and insecure.

Despite these obstacles, I refused to let my lack of language skills prevent my educational progress. With the support of my family, I took lessons from English language tutors and actively attended them three times per week from elementary school onward. Furthermore, I participated regularly in book discussion clubs so I could practice conversational English with native speakers.

Over the years, these efforts paid off. These experiences not only enhanced my language abilities, but also cultivated a strong sense of cross-cultural understanding in me. They ultimately allowed me to apply to college, excel on the SAT (especially the dreaded English section!) and become a curriculum specialist.

I now spend my free time tutoring other first generation students who struggle with English as a second language. That way, I can continue to equip and inspire future students to achieve their goals!

Diego E.


My Faith Community


Don’t Let ESL Barriers Stop You