Financial Constraints Fueled My Motivation

My pursuit of higher education was impeded by economic restraints. With low family finances, I had to look for additional ways to pay for tuition, textbooks, and other school expenses. Scholarships became necessary for me, and I spent many hours studying and applying for every possible one. Balancing part-time work with academic success was also part of my routine as I sought to finance the rising costs of college. Despite my financial difficulties, I stayed driven. Deep down, I knew that education was the key to a better future for myself and my family.

The journey to college was difficult, but my unrelenting dedication and tenacity propelled me to conquer the obstacles that stood in my way. I hope that this story and First Foundation can inspire other first-generation students to do the same. Thank you for the opportunity to share this part of my life with you.

Fernando Q. Guzman


Don’t Let ESL Barriers Stop You


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